My Looklet Page

Monday, February 25, 2008

Memory Flashback

I'm so addicted to American Idol!!!!


I remember even making a multiply page with a whole lotta music from the Contestants from Season 1 to 6. I put up pictures, wallpapers, videos (Not Youtube Links) Blogs, Polls, Etcetera Etcetera! IU had a lot of contacts foir that , I even made a photobucket account, a Slide account & a new Youtube account for that site

During the show's sixth season, my favorites were Melinda Doolittle and Blake Lewis but I loved Melinda more, needless to say I was so devastated when she didn't even get to the finals, maybe that's the reason why I still dislike Jordin up till now?

After hearing that Melinda was voted off, I got so pissed that I cancelled my 20 page MNultiply account, You could just imagine how furious I was because for the past two seasons my bet didn' make it, but at least for Season 5 Katharine made it to the finals!!

Looking back, I keep on pondering how I could have been so stupid to do that! I mean I don't even have the files anymore!! (Okay maybe I kept most of it..but I think I still lost some...)

I STILL LOVE MELINDA DOOLITTLE!!!! She is the true Idol for me, then Blake is the runner-up then Jordin is third!

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