My Looklet Page

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

American Idol Season 7 Top 24

As you probably can see with all my blogs, I love American Idol.Here are the Top 24 for American Idol Season 7 , pictures were from a very nice photoshoo and they're all looking very nice! My current faves are Amanda Overmyer, Kady Malloy, Carly Smithson and Danny Noriega, I also like David Hernandez, Michael Lee Johns, David Cook, Ramiele Malubay and Luke Menard

Monday, February 25, 2008

Memory Flashback


I Love these girls!!!!(Spice Girls Charlie's Angels, Divas...How gay am I?)I've watched the two films a gazillion times and it still keeps me at the edge of my seat

My favorite is Drew Barrymore! She's so pretty and I remember the scene in the sequel wherein she was wearing that race track outfit!!! that was fabulous!!!!!


And who could forget the soundtrack , Destiny's Child kicked some major ass with that one and not to mention the awesome blend of classic hits in that album (OKAY, the second one was not that good, but I still loved the MC Hammer song they danced to...)


Hmm.. good times!

Memory Flashback

I'm so addicted to American Idol!!!!


I remember even making a multiply page with a whole lotta music from the Contestants from Season 1 to 6. I put up pictures, wallpapers, videos (Not Youtube Links) Blogs, Polls, Etcetera Etcetera! IU had a lot of contacts foir that , I even made a photobucket account, a Slide account & a new Youtube account for that site

During the show's sixth season, my favorites were Melinda Doolittle and Blake Lewis but I loved Melinda more, needless to say I was so devastated when she didn't even get to the finals, maybe that's the reason why I still dislike Jordin up till now?

After hearing that Melinda was voted off, I got so pissed that I cancelled my 20 page MNultiply account, You could just imagine how furious I was because for the past two seasons my bet didn' make it, but at least for Season 5 Katharine made it to the finals!!

Looking back, I keep on pondering how I could have been so stupid to do that! I mean I don't even have the files anymore!! (Okay maybe I kept most of it..but I think I still lost some...)

I STILL LOVE MELINDA DOOLITTLE!!!! She is the true Idol for me, then Blake is the runner-up then Jordin is third!

Memory Flashback

Spice Girls

I remember when I was in College and I first heard the song Wannabe, I was like, OMG!! I Love them and I just had to tell my best friend about these girls because I was so sure that he will love them too.True enough he did, and we became the biggest Spice Girls Fanatics, but I was more addicted to these girls...
I would buy all the imported magazines that had any picture of them, whether it be big or small (Remember the imported Mag, Smash Hits?) I was literally crazy over these girls, I would get angry when someone bashes them, I would buy clothes that would resemble their styles. But the pinnacle of my addictive ways was when I decided to make a collage of Spice Girls Clippings and Pictures as my wallpaper! I worked for 2 days just to achieve that and I was so happy when I got it done! My room became very colorful...Gotta love these girls My fave ids Geri or Ginger Spice so I got very sad when she left them, but I became happy again when she released her solo single!!! Then they all started having their own careers and I couldn't focus on them anymore, so it fizzled out....then they reunite!!!! BRING THE SPICE GIRLS TO MANILAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Memory Flashback

I was searching for songs in Limewire when I saw this track by Jordan Knight called Give It To you and I remember watching him in concert here in the Philippines (OK it wasn't his concert, he was a front act for 98 Degrees..) I remember having such a huge crush on him. He is so handsome!!!!! He also sings very well!!!! (I don't know why I always overexaggerate it with the Exclamation Point?)


The Miss Universe 2007 Pageant

The Miss Universe 2007 Pageant



Official Photos


Water Water

I found a website which adds a cool water reflection effect to your pictures....

Water Effects 2
Water Effects

Learning Photoshop

I've been trying to learn how to use photoshop on my own, no books, just trial and error...Here are a few of the pics I've edited...
PS Effects
Xerox 8
City cityhan
PS Effects
Xerox 3

FHM USA's 100 Sexiest Women 2007

I won!!!!

I've been joining a lot of contests in this online karaoke site , I've lost in some and I won a few times...And some of them have prices too! And since I'm a show-off...
Medal Gurl
Diva Idol

Beavis & Butthead

Rock On

I Miss Beavis & Butthead!!!

American Idol 7 : My Favorites

My fave Idols ATM...

Amanda Overmyer - The Rock & Roll Nurse!!! I Love Her Attitude, The Raw Voice, The Incredible choices of songs and how she owns them!


David Archuleta

OK, I gotta admit, I was not a fan of his Shop Around Performance. But judging from his audition andthe Hollywood round this guy should get pretty far up there. He's cute mega-talented and has got YouTube working for him (Seriuously, you need to check out a video wherein Kelly Clarkson and Other AI1 Finalists were all in amazement when he sang And I Am Telling You)

David A

Right now she has the top spot for me, this girl has a lot of things working for her, good looks, fab voice and who could forget her Britney Impressions?


My other faves: Danny Hernandez,Danny Noriega, Carly Smithson and Ramielle Malubay

Sunday, February 17, 2008


One more parody song...This was also done for a contest...

This is Barbarella to the tune of Umbrella

OK, One Last....Hindi Rin Camslut nga Ako Eh

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Super SouthPark

Super SouthPark

Who's The Best American Idol Ever?

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