I remember watching a movie and they started blurting out Yo Momma Jokes and I couldn't stop laughing...
So here are some of my faves!
yo mama’s so fat, part of her is still in yesterday
yo mama’s so stank, the only dis I want to give her is disinfecatant
yo mama’s so stank her sh.it was glad to escape her
yo mama’s so stupid, she locked herself in a bathroom and peed herself
yo mama’s so fat, when she weighed herself on a scale it said “to be continued...”
yo mama’s so fat, god said “please may there be light”
yo mama’s so poor, a cigarette went out and she said “who turned off the fernace?”
yo mama’s so stupid it took her 2 hours to watch 60 mins
yo mama’s so poor she can’t afford to pay attention
yo mama’s so tall she tripped on a rock and banged her head on the moon
yo mama’s so flat, she’s jealous of the wall!
yo mama’s so poor when she goes to KFC, she has to lick other people’s fingers!
Yo momma’s so dumb when she saw under 17 not admitted sign she went home and got 16 friends
Yo momma’s so old one of her pets was on on Noahs Ark
Yo momma’s so ugly for Halloween she trick or treats on the phone
Yo momma’s so dumb she passed by YMCA and said hey look they spelled MACYs wrong
Yo momma’s so poor people rob her house for practice
Yo momma’s so old her birth certificate is in Roman numerals
Yo momma’s so poor she married young just to get the rice
Yo momma’s so dumb she failed a survey
Yo momma’s so dumb she fell up the stairs
Yo Momma's so fat she wore a yellow dress and was mistaken for a taxi!
Yo momma's so fat when she stepped on a weighing scale it said "One at a time please!"
Feel free to reply with mo yo momma jokes!
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