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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Memory Flashback: Street Fighter

I remember when I was in High School and I had really no firiends, I was nerdy and I was a loner, But then I really bonded with two guys in my class because of this video game called Street Fighter...I was really addicted to it, We didn't have our own family computer (Wow 90's!) so I had to go to Rental shops which were constantly being raided by Policemen (It's a good thing I was never caught there, what a shame that would have been!) I even went o a stage wherein I wouldn't eat for the whole day just so I coulod play... My favorite player was Chun Li (the girl from China) and my favorite move of hers was the continuous kicking (I don't knbow what it's called) I was untouchable by the time I got to learn this move, My two other friends could not beat me so they ventured to other games, I didn't I stayed with it until they had more versions...

Mind you, I was also good with Dhalsim and E Honda...

Ahh good times...

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